At Peak Condition, you are the center of attention! With no distractions in the studio, you are coached every step of the way to maximize your results and eliminate any possibilities of getting injured. I pride myself on training people who have no experience in exercise! As a former teacher of 11 years and an expert in instructional delivery, I’ll help you immediately feel right at home. You will develop a fresh perspective on fitness training that challenges you to reach levels you never knew were possible.


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General fitness at Peak Condition is not just doing machines and sit ups. General fitness programs integrate various aspects of fitness training. We understand that not everyone wants to look like a bodybuilder or something out of a comic book. General fitness workouts at Peak Condition involve Core, Stability, Flexibility, and Strength exercises. These components give you a strong physical base that can take you in any direction you want to go.

Sitting at a desk all day can have serious negative effects on the body! Slouching, poor neck position, and tight shoulders and hip flexors can play a devastating role on your long term physical health. Let me help you with your flexibility and core strength. With assisted stretching and a core exercise prescription, you can avoid feeling miserable over the long haul.

Let me guide you through an efficient resistance training program that can give you back that toned look. We’ll incorporate functional training to build up your strength and stability. That strength and stability will give you the agility to efficiently function in any plane of movement, like the tennis court or golf course.



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Get that kick back into your step. Our Age Appropriate programs are designed to increase your strength, mobility, flexibility, and stamina. Getting up from a chair, getting out of the car, and activities like playing golf can become increasingly difficult as we get older, but these issues are completely fixable.

Hip Mobility and Function are key when it comes to building and keeping lower body strength.

Flexibility and Core Strength are essential for lower back health.

Strength training is necessary for muscular strength and bone density.

Range of motion and stability training are needed to maintain normal walking strides.

Let’s address your fitness needs so that you can get back to doing what you love!!!



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Are your clothes fitting a bit tightly these days? Are you committed to doing something about it? I can help! Exciting and variable circuit training routines, along with personalized nutritional counseling, will put you on a path to a healthier you.

Weight management is a big concern for many, and the gym can be a place where you may just get overwhelmed with no clue how to start or what to do.

When you train for weight loss, it is necessary to combine exercise and dietary modifications. Both of these components work hand in hand so you can change physically.

From a nutrition stand point, we will have a counseling session in which we discuss your dietary intake. We will also discuss how you can modify behaviors that help you deal with cravings and the decisions that set you back.

When you train for weight loss, there are many ways to meet your goals. Most people would rather pick the less boring way! That’s where training at Peak Condition makes a difference!!!

My weight loss training routines are exciting, condensed bouts of exercise that allow you to train in many styles. From punching to kicking to weight lifting to plyometrics to Pilates, we do it all! Variety is key to keeping you motivated and injury free. The combination of movements increases your caloric expenditure in a compressed period of time.

Please do not be intimidated!!!! We will start at a pace you are comfortable with and increase intensity as you build your endurance.

All of this happens within the private, secure confines of the Peak Condition studio.