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Are your clothes fitting a bit tightly these days? Are you committed to doing something about it? I can help! Exciting and variable circuit training routines, along with personalized nutritional counseling, will put you on a path to a healthier you.

Weight management is a big concern for many, and the gym can be a place where you may just get overwhelmed with no clue how to start or what to do.

When you train for weight loss, it is necessary to combine exercise and dietary modifications. Both of these components work hand in hand so you can change physically.

From a nutrition stand point, we will have a counseling session in which we discuss your dietary intake. We will also discuss how you can modify behaviors that help you deal with cravings and the decisions that set you back.

When you train for weight loss, there are many ways to meet your goals. Most people would rather pick the less boring way! That’s where training at Peak Condition makes a difference!!!

My weight loss training routines are exciting, condensed bouts of exercise that allow you to train in many styles. From punching to kicking to weight lifting to plyometrics to Pilates, we do it all! Variety is key to keeping you motivated and injury free. The combination of movements increases your caloric expenditure in a compressed period of time.

Please do not be intimidated!!!! We will start at a pace you are comfortable with and increase intensity as you build your endurance.

All of this happens within the private, secure confines of the Peak Condition studio.